Sound-Frameworks: Best Practice Database
This page features a selection of randomly selected 'cues' extracted from the Sound-Frameworks survey and interview archive. Refresh your browser to generate a new set of cues. All content © Sven Anderson and Theatrum Mundi, 2024. For more context visit
Sounds can represent a lot of different things, particularly in children's minds.
So the idea about the car becoming a cocoon is being tested. And it is basically the idea that you can park your car, blind the windows, and then relax inside the car, take a nap, go to sleep. But again, depending on where you ask people, some were really afraid about the security of sleeping on the street. Others from other countries were not so afraid about that. There were some wishes for the car to be able to somehow monitor the surroundings and give kind of alert waking up people inside the car in case there was something that was not supposed to be going on around the car.
The kind of architecture which allows for curves and slightly less parallel lines always gives a more interesting soundscape, in my opinion. That could be a design criteria.